Future of Coding

The Future of Coding community was started back in 2017 to channel a recent groundswell of desire to revisit the foundations our industry and practice, looking for underexplored alternatives to the status quo. Swirling in the air were revolutionary talks by Alan Kay, essays by Bret Victor, and projects like Eve and Elm and Enso. Indie researchers like Andy Matuschak, Hundred Rabbits, and Ink & Switch were surging in popularity. At the same time, the software ecosystems controlled by Apple, Google, and Microsoft increasingly seemed less like bicycles for the mind and more like department stores for the disinclined.

This community is a worldwide collective of computing enthusiasts, academic researchers, startup founders, indie tinkerers, and quite a few curious onlookers. Members host regular meetups in London, NYC, and online, with smaller gatherings scattered across the globe.

There is no unifying thesis or mission. Rather, we all share an interest in considering why things got to be the way they are, and where we might like them to go from here. Some members are enthusiastic about tools like visual programming, type systems, or omniscient debugging. Others raise awareness of the human factors the contribute to our software malaise, such as the awful lack of diversity in tech or the err of attending to social issues with technical solutions. An especially zealous cohort even want to rip everything down to the foundation and start over, bless their ambitious hearts.

The community is open and welcoming to all. We invite you to join our deep discussions, enjoy our infrequently-published but lovingly crafted podcast, and contribute to this wiki.